
ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development


Food labelling is an essential feature for food product marketing and is mainly regulated by national food authority. Food package labelling provides information on product composition, usage instructions, shelf-life safety, storage conditions, and nutritional profile. The purpose of this study is to review the scope of the current food labelling system used in local food products. We surveyed 3 different food categories: 1) processed meat products, 2) bread, and 3) snacks, and examined the nutritional labelling criteria with respect to the carbohydrates, protein, and particularly sodium (salt) content. A broad market survey was carried out across Brunei and Muara district, collecting data on 99 processed meat products, 77 bread products, and 73 snack products. The major findings revealed that many of the chicken and beef items (36% and 37%, respectively) were unlabelled and only 6% and 4% of labelled chicken and beef products (respectively) had sodium content statement found on their labels. In addition, we found that majority of the seafood products and bread loaf products were not labelled at all, and the snack products were only 10% labelled. These findings emphasised Brunei Darussalam's lacking an obligatory regulatory system for food product labelling.

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