
ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development


This study aims to explore the barriers of innovation in one of ASEAN developing countries particularly Brunei Darussalam. This research focuses on 3 sectors which are from 1) the government of Brunei to 2) the higher education institutions particularly Universiti Teknologi Brunei to 3) industry sectors in Brunei Darussalam - primarily in the processes of technology transfer. Using the Triple Helix theory model, barriers were identified between consecutive sectors. In this study, qualitative research methods have been utilized (case studies using interview methods) and a total of 9 main barriers have been identified between the sectors from the literature review which were then studied exclusively in the setting of Brunei. Identifying these barriers and its gap which is to identify the interrelationships between the barriers would provide a greater understanding into the complex nature of the innovation and technology transfer process, which can be considered as a valuable input towards crucial national and individuals’ decision making. The study addresses this gap by determining innovation barriers in the Triple Helix Model and their intertwined relationships. The objective also seeks to comprehend the factors that contribute to successful technology transfer and to suggest the effectiveness that might be attained by enhancing technology transfer to universities, industry, and the government. The findings from the interviews are rather interesting as the reasoning for most barriers are different from other nations in the literature review. Despite this, the barriers have not been successfully addressed. This necessitates an evaluation of the government's strategy for achieving “Wawasan 2035”.

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