
ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development


The development of Industry 4.0 creates new challenges for human resources. Research in the field of human resources for the sugarcane agro-industry is still rare and is important because it is a strategic commodity in Indonesian for the sustainability of the sugarcane industry. The scope of the research ranges from the cut load transportation to sugar refining. The aim of the research is to conduct human resource scenario planning towards Human Resource 4.0 in sugarcane agroindustry. The research method used is scenario planning. The data were obtained from primary and secondary data. The variables used are human resource readiness and the level of sugar production technology. This research was able to map the current position of the sugar cane mills and produce four scenarios, namely (1) superior HR towards HR 4.0; (2) basic HR towards HR 4.0; (3) alert HR towards HR 4.0; (4) critical HR towards HR 4.0. It is important to increase the productivity of human resources.


cane sugar agro-industry, human resources, scenario planning, strategy

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