ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development
Volume 17, Number 1 (2000)
Journal Articles
The Preparation of Tin Oxide Film Heat Mirrors by A Sol Gel Process
Hirunlabh Jongjit, Lorsrichandr Sarayuth, Kirtikara Krissanapong, and Pynn Ralph D.
Effect of Engine Speed on Performance adn Emissions of a Dual Chamber Spark Ignition Engine
Rangkuti Chailulillah
Adaptive Finite Element Technique For Viscous Flow Analysis
Dechaumphai Pramote and Sikkhabandit Supatpong
Application of a Line Source Air Quality Model to The Study of Traffic Carbon Monoxide in Brunei Darussalam
Hassan Hasnah, Singh M. P, Gribben R. J, Srivastava L. M, Radojevic M, and Latief Azhar
Data Mining: Concept, Aplications and Techniques
Guohua Wang and Francis E. H
Modification os RBF Network Architecture
Mashor Mohd Yusoff
Molecular Polarisabilities and Orientational Order Parameters od Binary Mesophase Mixtures of Nematic Compounds
Murthy Y. Narashima and Murthy V. R
The Influence of Culturae on Innovarive Behaviour and Management in Singapore
Yap C.M, Buisson D.H, and Garrett T.C