ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development
Volume 37, Number 3 (2020)
Journal Articles
Two Approaches to Measure Trace Metals Fluxes at the Sediment–Water Interface: Sediment Porewater Profile and Benthic Incubation
Harmesa and Wahyudi Johan
Spatio-temporal Variations in Bacterial Abundance with an Emphasis on Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Vibrio spp. in and around Visakhapatnam Port, East Coast of India
Khandeparker Lidita, Desai Dattesh V., Sawant Subhash Shivram, Krishnamurthy Venkat, and Chandrashekar Anil Arga
Sea Level Rise in Indonesia: The Drivers and the Combined Impacts from Land Subsidence
Triana Karlina and Wahyudi A'an Johan
Establishing an Ocean Acidification Monitoring System for the Tropical Waters of Indonesia Facing Regional Climate Variability
Prayitno Hanif Budi, Puspitasari Rachma, Jandang Suppakarn, Triana Karlina, Taufiqurrahman Edwards, Lestari, Afdal, Wulandari, Harmesa, Meirinawati Hanny, Lastrini Suci, Kaisupy Muhamad Taufik, and Wahyudi A'an Johan
Exploration of Local Microorganisms from Rumen and Their Potential to Make Silage from Agricultural Waste
Purnamasari Listya, Purnomo Hari, and Setyawan Hidayat Bambang
Vision-based Size Estimation and Centroid Positioning of Partially Occluded Fruits
Kyu Mya Thin Kyu and Aung Nay Zar