ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development
Volume 38, Number 1 (2021)
Journal Articles
Spurring Economic Growth in Terms of Happiness, Human Development, Competitiveness and Global Innovation: the ASEAN Case
Zainurossalamia Za Saida, Amalia Siti, Darma Dio Caisar, and Azis Musdalifah
Investigation of the Distribution of the Daytime Employed Population of Yangon, Myanmar, with and without the Impact of Work from Home
Aung Ye Wint and Myint San San
Anticipating Ocean Deoxygenation in the Maritime Continent of Southeast Asia
Wulandari Ita, Wahyudi A'an J., and Triana Karlina
Optimum Medium for Lipase Production by Lipolytic Filamentous Fungi Isolated from Kendari Landfill Soil
Rayani Nur and Ilmi Miftahul
Seismic Safety Assessment of Existing Low-rise RC Buildings with Rapid Visual Screenings and Preliminary Evaluation Methods
Aung Moe Myat Myat and Aye Mya Nan
HEC-HMS Model for Urban Flood Analysis in Belik River, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Suprayogi Slamet, Rifai, and Latifah Reviana