ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development
Volume 17, Number 2 (2000)
Journal Articles
Energy Potential and Utilization of Plantation Crops in Malaysia
Lim K.O; Alaudin Zainal Alimudin Zainal; Quadir Ghulam Abdul; and Abdullah Mohd, Zulkifly
A Novel Penalty Scheme in Genetic Algorithms For Structural Design Optimization
Nanakorn Pruettha and Meesomklin Konlakartn
Optical Sensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Measurements
Yunus W. Mahmood Mat, Mokhtar Rosmiza, Moksin Mohd Maarof, Peng Chong Boon, and Yeh Lee Woei
Natural and Combination Fish Aggregating Devices (FADS) as Tools for Fish Aggregation in Lake Kenyir, Trengganu, Malaysia
Ibrahim Sakri, Matusin Julaihi, and Hajisamae Sukree
Modelling Heat Transfer in Cooked Tuna During Cooling
Tansakul Ampawan and Ngamna Tipaporn
Radon and its Progeny in Outdoor Air
Hu S. J and Tan K. S
Wear of Ceramic Tools When Machining Nodular Cats Iron
Husni L.A, Choudhory C, and Ghani A.K
The Total Capitance, Transient and Frequency Response of MFB, FDNR and Leaperog Techniques For Bilinear Switched-Capacitor Network
Hadzer C. M and Izhar M.
Radical Combustion: New Concept For Two Stroke Engines
Al-Kaf Saqaff A, Suhaimi Ahmad, and Abbas Hakim A