ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development
Volume 26, Number 1 (2009)
Journal Articles
S tudies on the phase transitions and properties of tungsten (VI) oxide nanoparticles by X - Ray diffraction (XRD) and thermal analysis
Abdullah S.F., Radiman S., Abdul Hamid M.A., and Ibrahim N.B.
Mixed - mode Operating System for Real - time Performance
M. Hasan M., S. Sultana, and C.K. Foo
Energy cost of seed drying
Jittanit Weerachet, Srzednick George, and Driscoll Robert
New Approach of Highly Efficient Fermentation Process for Bio ethanol using Xylose as Agricultur e Residues
Ahmed Abu Saleh, Watanabe Seiya, Hamdan Sinin, Kodaki Tsutomu, and Makino Keisuke
Kassim Anuar, Min Ho Soon, Tee Tan Wee, Abdullah Abdul Halim, Sharif Atan, Haron Md. Jelas, Nagalingam Saravanan, and Kuang
R unning Head: Novel Recombinant Phytate - d egrading Enzyme Production Statistical Optimization of the Induction of Phytase Production by Arabinose in a recombinant E. coli using Response Surface Methodology
Farouk Abd #NAME?, Meor Hussin Anis Shobirin, Greiner Ralf, Ismail Shareef Mohideen, Batcha Mohamed Faizal, and Nur Lubis Hamadah Mohd
Statistical Optimization of the Induction of Phytase Production by Arabinose in a recombinant E. coli using Response Surface Methodology
Farouk Abd-El Aziem, Hussin Anis Shobirin Meor, Greiner Ralf, Ismail Shareef Mohideen, and Lubis Hamadah Mohd Nur
Adaptive Backstepping Control of Electrical Transmission Drives with Elastic, Unknown Backlash and Coulomb Friction Nonlinearity
Văn Đông Huỳnh, Xuân Kiên Trần, and Công Định Nguyễn